Speaker Bios

Jodie Palmer
Jodie and Mr. "the best thing that ever happened to me" Doug Palmer have been married for 5 years. They home school their three kiddlets, including a fabulous four-year old daughter with cerebral palsy. Her biggest life-lesson right now is "keeping at it" even when things aren't perfect. A few of her favorite things are: morning naps with a new baby, raising a boy, bringing an idea to fruition, creating beautiful spaces, C.S. Lewis, Saltines with butter and avocado, homemade ginger ale, and someday she really wants to own a pair of black leather pants and motorcycle boots. Jodie has a Master’s Degree in Education from George Wythe University. Her professional experience includes serving as a faculty member and mentor of George Wythe University, serving as the previous President of the Midwives College of Utah, and currently serves as a member of the Midwives College of Utah’s Board of Trustees. She is cofounder, with Diann Jeppson, of TJEd Marketplace and Leadership Education Family Builder. 

Diann Jeppson
Diann Jeppson is the founder and former President of the American Youth Leadership Institute. She and Jodie Palmer direct TJEd Marketplace and Leadership Education Family Builder. She received a bachelor’s degree in statesmanship from George Wythe University, and is currently the Chairman of the GWU Board of Trustees. She is a co-author of A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion. She and her husband Adam live in West Valley City, Utah and have four daughters.

Mary Ann Johnson
Mary Ann has been married to her sweetheart, Don, for almost forty years. They have seven delightful children and ten exceptionally bright and beautiful grandchildren. Her favorite things are children, reading and writing, painting, flowers and Don. She loves sunny yellow and raspberry pink. Collecting eggs is her hobby because they are magnificent in design and beauty. Her favorite book is Great Expectations and her favorite poem is the Highwayman, oh yes, and Little Orphan Annie. Mary Ann Johnson received both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in education from George Wythe University. She is an experienced expert in problem solving money and space issues that seem to hinder parents in creating inspirational environments. She has a gift for bringing inspiration and joy to children.

Keri Tibbets
Keri is a mother of five; one love of learner and four in core phase. Her enjoyment in life is to nurture, feed and serve those in her household. In her endeavor to “inspire not require”, she has drummed up many true principles that must be present in raising core phase children. Her educational background in psychology and childhood behavior has been an essential base in developing core phase and love of learning principles. Her passions are to understand how children think, learn and develop emotionally and mentally in a classical education environment, and is equally passionate about helping those around her to understand the same. Her focus is constantly set upon how to use this learning to enhancing the classical education.
Keri is a native of Utah, but has resided in Idaho for the last seven years. She is a true blue American with two of her family lines tying back to Jamestown.

A column listing the things you want you children to learn that you already do in your home and things to learn that you don’t do in your home.  If your love of learner is not learning in their free time, what are they doing instead? If they are “playing” that is fine, because non headgate playing will lead to learning.